The device must be held in landscape orientation, with the bottom pointing to the right. It should be held basically straight up-and-down in front of you, but then tilted out 45°. When the game starts, it will display a cross hair with a dot over it. When the dot is in the center of the cross hairs, the device is pointed so that your dragon will fly straight ahead.

To pitch up, tilt the device toward you. To pitch down, tilt the device down toward horizontal. Turning the device left or right like a steering wheel (the device’s “roll”), or rotating the device on its “yaw” axis, will cause the dragon to turn in the indicated direction. Depending on the Steering Mode set in the settings, you will roll as you turn, or not.
When paused, several icons appear.
- Play icon: Resume game
- Camera icon: Take screenshot
- Reload icon: Restart level
- Gear icon: Settings
- Left Arrow icon: Back to main menu
- Die on Impact: When learning, you may want to disable this option, so that you never die.
- Always-on-HUD: If on, the cross-hairs and dot show while you are playing the game (not just when paused).
- Play music/Play sound effects: Enable or disable gamer sounds.
- Wyrm appearance: You can choose between spheres or rounded cubes. (Restart level to make wyrm appearance consistent.)
- Steering: “Standard” rolls as it turns. Some people find this disorientating, and prefer the “No Roll” mode of steering.
- Frame delay: Slide to the left to make the wyrm move faster, to the right for slower.
- Steering sensitivity: The higher this value, the more sharply your turns will be.